Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Shirley's sister, the price of gas and Ecclesiastes

Today we are going junkin' in Wyandotte!! In the rain, of course, lots of it this week.
But we are fortunate and storms have not been severe like other places.

My cousin says that Paducah has the worst flooding since the 1937 flood. That was the big one and my Dad always said there were two disasters in the early thirties and he always got the dates confused. (The other was my birthday.) Of course he was kidding, he was a hoot!

I always think of him when I buy gas for the car. His business was selling Ashland gas at 26th and Broadway in Paducah. He checked your oil and tires, cleaned your windshield and pumped your gas for 25 cents a gallon.

Yesterday I bought gas for only 3.89. This morning I read this verse from Ecclesiastes 7:10: "Do not say, "Why were the old days better than these?" For it is not wise to ask such questions."

Happy Wednesday to all my friends.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Enjoy your day in the rain. I haven't gone junkin' in a long long time. Too much junk already in my house. Someday I'll sort through it all. I loved the verse for wise.

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

If only I had a flea market to go to, I wouldn't even mind the rain....sigh....
I can remember the gas wars in late 1972 when gas was 17 cents a gallon. It seems like a lifetime ago. It's not that I don't love this life but those days sure seemed simpler. I was married with 1 child, husband laid off and we lived on $28 a week unemployment. And we did fine. Today, you can't get a tank of gas for that! On the news, they say the dollar is down 6% since January! Will we all be driven into poverty? Will there be social security for us? For our children? Ahhhhh, for the simpler days..........
I have to leave on a positive note. Don't want you to think I am depressed or anything. I did go to Salvation Army yesterday and got an awesome wood bowl! That made me smile!

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Stay safe in your rain and send some here.......will you? Love the angel! blessings,Kathleen

Wanda..... said...

The price of gas and all the rain is keeping us house bound. Today was dry and tomorrow is to be even better!

The Moonlit Stitch said...

Hi Peggy! Thanks for visiting and for the verse from Ecclesiastes-my favorite book! Love you blog-beautiful pics! ~*~Lisa