Tuesday, August 25, 2015

First Time Plants

 This Sweet Annie plant came all the way to Michigan from The Farm in Petersburg, Illinois.  (Thank you, Kynda for sending it USPS).  Every year I try to plant some from seed but it never comes up, I am hoping it will seed itself so I will have Sweet Annie next year.

This is my new morning glory called Flying Saucer.  Bought this plant in Jonesville, MI from Gley's, the good apple cider people.  Cold today in Michigan and cloudy, Happy Tuesday.


Ann said...

What a nice thing to get in the mail. I've heard that sweet annie is hard to grow. Then again for someone like me with no green thumb, everything is hard to grow....lol

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Sweet Annie has such a lovely fragrance. We used to have it here at my house. It did come back a few years, but then faded away. It's cloudy here too and looks like rain. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday !