Saturday, October 28, 2017

Town Peddler Mall

At Town Peddler Antiques and Craft Mall:  For Poldark fans, it is $14.99. I like the TV Demelza's wild RED hair though.  Where's the Ross book?

Love this one too.


Prims By The Water said...

I watch Poldark faithfully. Wish something would happen to George..he makes me so mad. Janice

Susie said...

I do not know the show you are speaking of. But I love the lost socks sign. Don't you wonder where all lost socks go. I think they have static cling in other pieces of clothing they get lost off our clothes at the Wal-Mart. LOL Places like that. Once a fellow came to work and starting pulling something form his shirt was his wife's pantyhose. So funny. Blessings to you Peggy, I know it's cold there. It is here also. xoxo, Susie

Ann Thompson said...

Never heard of Poldark. I've seen lost socks signs like that before, cute

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I am a Poldark fan and find it hard to believe that some have not heard of him. The lost socks sign is needed here. I have a drawer I keep mine in as from time to time I do find the lost one in a pant leg or inside a pair of pjs. That would be such a neat place to visit!

Chatty Crone said...

Stopping by to say hello! Hello!

kath001 said...

Love Poldark, and was lucky on our trip to have tv access on each of the Sunday nights that we were away. I was able to buy the first book in the series (Ross) a couple of years ago at a special Kindle price. Would like to read the others.