Friday, March 27, 2020

Better than Nuttin'

 Yesterday I made these for some mask-less friends.  After I got the bugs worked out, they were pretty easy and at least they would remind you not to touch your face.  You can get lots of patterns on pinterest and after all, it was something to do besides TV.
From my funny facebook friend Sue, who gave me a chuckle today.  Stay well!


Linda said...

Oh, Peggy!!! I love the masks!! I will be making some but my sewing room is all piled up! I have been in th ekitchen cleaning all week. But this room is next and I will be making some for amm my family plus some for the nursing home.
Yours look wonderful!

Ann said...

I've seen lots of different mask patterns on line lately. Yours look great.
I bet I have a web designer or two living here. I'll have to invite them to

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Good idea. Masks are needed these days.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Ha your memes.... Seems like everyone is making masks these days. I don't go anywhere so haven't found the need yet... Our state is on lock-down too like most (all?) others, but so far, the pandemic has been slow to spread as far north as Nod. Stay well...Saturday Smiles ~ Robin

Kynda said...

Multi-masking! love them and you :)

Prims By The Water said...

Loved the joke. We all need to smile in these days of uncertainty. Janice