Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Shirt Tale

Kynda will really be surprised when she sees this post. After how many years did I promise to TRY this. I had put this project in my "flying bowl". (For anyone who doesn't follow Brian Andres, that's a bowl where you put things you agreed to do before you found out how difficult they would be.)

Anyhow, on the right is the shirt she bought at The Church of the Little Flower? craft show and enjoyed wearing it so much she went back for another, but the crafter was never there again.

Soooo, that's how I got the job and I am way out of my element, but on the left is my version. I have NEVER painted a shirt but it didn't take very long at all, after I got myself going. I hope she likes it, I stumbled through it with help from the internet.

A beautiful cold day it is in Michigan, happy Saturday.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You did great with painting the shirt. I've done a few and enjoy it too, but am not very artistic.

Kynda said...

Oh my goodness!! I LOVE IT! it's beautiful--better than the first one because it's by my very own mama. you're the best!

P.J. said...

Mommy, this is really nice! Mack approves, too :-)