Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pretty Much Picasso....

About two weeks ago this was a straggly petunia with no blooms. I gave it a buzz cut and a dose of plant food and here it is, prettier than ever.

Thanks everyone for all the good wishes for Jeff and his surgery. He is doing fine and home the same day.

I made salsa today and my recipe is on the blog if you use the search. I listened to "The Postmistress" on CD while I worked. I would rather actually read but haven't figured out how to read and use my hands at the same time. Happy Wednesday.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

More and more surgery is out and in the same day. I guess that is good in a way as the patient can rest more easily at home. I love the petunia. I think some of my plants must need a dose of that plant food. Enjoy that salsa! Sounds very good!

Linda said...

Happy to hear all is well.....

Anonymous said...

Hello is an honor and privilege to follow your blog....and I can't wait to check out your salsa recipe (yummy!!). These are just beautiful flowers....amazing how quickly they bloom and then fade away. I just love blooming flowers! Thank you for sharing....and thank you for checking out my blog, and for joining in!! Much love ~ alice

TheCrankyCrow said...

Gorgeous blooms Peggy....We've had several frosts already, and last night we got our first all out hard freeze....couple of the geraniums look like they may have toughed it out - but everything else pretty much not. So, so, sad. Good to hear the news about Jeff....Happy evening to you....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

myomyohi said...

Very pretty.