He was waiting for me when I came home, shut up in a box that was blowing across the porch....

Whew! It's so good to be out of that old box and away from that UPS truck...... I like it here in the lantana....

And don't I look good here in the beets?? (He will be spending the winter inside, but don't say anything.)
He was a gift from Myra and you can visit her
here. She makes the neatest things!
It was raining so hard last night when we had our dinner but there were still about 40 people I would say. I left early but maybe I will hear if they liked the pumpkin pie-cake.
Happy Thursday!
I'm glad he arrived safely, and that you like him.
We got a lot of rain yesterday also, and it's been raining off and on this morning.
HI Peggy stopped over here after hearing about your awesome blog from my mom , and I see you have one of her lil friends now living with you , very cool , I think he looks marvelous in the beets ! Hope you have a great day !hugs lilraggedyangie
He is such a cute dragonfly! I feel like we're about to float away here ~ I'm sure everyone loved your cake! Have a great day!
He's very cute...will have to visit Myra and try baking your recipe for pumpkin pie-cake, Peggy!
Your dragon fly is adorable Peggy!! Myra sent me one too - and I've been trying to take him outside for a photo shoot, but the weather here has been frightful - I am so, so, weary of this relentless wind....! I may just end up photographing him in my indoor ivy (where he seems quite content, by the way!) I'm sure your cake was a hit!! Happy Thursday to you! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
i found you thru Buttercup's blog. Nice to meet you. Love the cute dragonfly. The pumpkin pie-cake sounds tasty. Wishing you a good Friday and weekend.
Such a cute dragonfly and thank you for sharing the recipe, I might try it this weekend! blessings,Kathleen
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