The little shops in Northville have clever names, this one has 40 artists wares.

I liked his yellow hat. A head bump would not be good.

Remember Ghost Story?

Silly old cat...up a tree....

Just a little planter table that I liked.
Maybe two more posts and I will be back to crafts, and it will be Halloween too. The garden is almost gone except for zinnias, lots of pink ones. I hope you have something blooming today.
I do still have something blooming. There are not many but my roses are still blooming. The bush by my patio sits in a sheltered area and will bloom until the first freeze. I took pictures of the blooms last November and it was almost Thanksgiving. We'll see how long they last this year. Hope your Thursday is a wonderful one.
I'm still loving all the cool skeletons! That little table was really neat too ~ thanks for sharing! Have a great day!
What a cool post!!
I cut a bouquet of roses yesterday afternoon. Smells like sweet perfume! Our mums and marigolds and various other flowers are still blooming! But we are in TEXAS where we do not have the seasons as YOU do!!
I'm enjoying those skeletons. I have very little blooming now. My beautiful wheelbarrow is fading, and I have a few zinnias. That's it. Everything looks so brown and desolate.
Thanks for sharing.
The only thing blooming here are snowflakes. Yup....SNOWFLAKES! YUK!! Oh - I'm gonna miss your skelly posts Miss Peggy - the first responder is too dang funny!! Happy Thursday! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
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