Friday, June 21, 2013

Proven Winners Gardens in Carleton, Michigan is a mass of color.  Pictures never do it justice.  I don't know those goofy people trying  out the planter hats.

Most of the plants we buy at local markets come from this Proven Winners grower.  We noticed this year that those massive beds of blooms are made up of pots of flowers.  Of course they have drip irrigation with lots of plant food I am sure.  In summer, if you are in this area, don't miss seeing it.  You might catch a wedding or photo shoot going on, but usually it is quiet and you can sit in the swing and just look.  Happy Friday to all.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

That would be a wonderful place to sit and rest awhile. All those flowers are a feast for the eyes. Cute hats!

Pat said...

Love the hair do's...

Primitive Stars said...

That's some pretty hair there, Happy Summer, Francine.

Susie said...

Peggy, Those pictures are hilarious. And pretty. Wow who wouldn't love some of those beautiful hanging baskets? Hope you are having a great weekend. xoxo,Susie