Friday, April 22, 2016

Christmas Dress by Emma

My mother Emma and my grandmother Altie, both had April birthdays and while I was sewing I was thinking about them and thinking I would like to show a bit of my mother's work.

I don't have anything crafty from my grandmother.  She didn't sew much but gardened and cooked and we all ate up her lovely creations.  She also prayed and prayed and read her Bible and told us all what to do.

After my mother moved to Michigan and we were doing craft shows all over, she sewed dresses for Jackie and me.  I would drop off the cut-out clothes and almost before I got home, she would have them finished.
(I only lived four blocks away.)

She died in 1996 of COPD and she was 84 years old.  She is buried in Graves County, Kentucky, her home.

Recently Jackie had asked me to make a doll that would fit all these left-over Christmas dresses.  I didn't come up with anything new but one of my angels fits nicely.  Jackie will probably change the hair and the face to suit her style but once again my mothers dresses will get to go to the craft mall or a show. and that will make us happy.

I pass my mother's little cottage house almost every day and think of her.  I always wish I could stop in.
Thankfully, the little house was bought by a lady who appreciated everything about it and she has kept it
quaint and sweet as it always was.  The dogwood outside the back door will bloom soon, I am waiting for it.


Ann said...

I love the angel and the dress. What a nice way to remember your mother. The people who bought my dad's house made a lot of changes. It's way out of my way though so I don't ever see it unless I were to make a special trip. It's sad to see

kath001 said...

So sweet!

Linda said...

What a beautiful post!! You are so blessed to have such good memories of your mother and grandmother. I hope I will be leaving behind good ones for my children and grandchildren. I have very few good memories of my granny. I didn't think she even liked children until recently when my cousins shared some precious memories of her with them. No one in my family was ever crafty so I don't know where I came from!!!
We moved every single year when I was growing up so there is only the family home of my grandparents and it holds what memories we have. My sister and I recently drove by it as well as all the other houses we lived in.
I do so love visiting you!!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

How wonderful that your memories are so sweet and that you have found a way to keep them alive with your angel. I have a quilt my grandmother made that has squares cut from a dress I wore. It always brings back some good memories for me too.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Such a heart touching post. It is good that someone bought your mother's home and has loved it as much as she and you. I love the little angel in her dress!

Kynda said...

awww such a sweet family story from my mama--i love you