Thursday, September 1, 2011

Joseph, Reuben, Family, Friends.....

I am the last one to post pictures since the Facebook people always do theirs asap. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat was the play, and this guy is our Jeff, who played Reuben. He was cute and funny and sings great.

Friends and Family...Dave, Renee, Jake, Jeff and Skyler.......

This lady is singing to Joseph. Probably "We're so happy you came our way, we would have perished without you."
This is Joseph, played by Cory Shorter, who sings beautifully. And everyone in the play did a wonderful job, every one can be a star.

As it is in any play, the children always steal the show. Especially this one. I didn't know any personally but feel they belong to all of us.

For me, I would never get tired of seeing Joseph. Until it comes again, we can all read and learn from the story we have been given and it is truly Amazing.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

That is one play I've never been able to get a chance to see. How wonderful that you did. I do know the story and it is a great one. Hope your Thursday is a wonderful one there. We've had so showers off and on so far.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Wow....he looks like he makes an AWESOME Reuben!!! LOVE it! I have never gotten to see the wish; some day....And Joseph looks awesome too! Thanks for sharing (not all of us are hooked into Facebook you know!!) Happy September! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin