Lindbergh School at 500 North Waverly, Dearborn, Michigan. 9:30 till 4. I sure hope that Bar-b-que man is there again this year, as well as all my friends that I only see this one day all year. It is the 39th year of this show. Barb and I won't tell how many of those years we have been there. Even when we had many shows, it has always been my favorite. I hope I will be hearing about yours, November is the month for bazaars and craft shows.
They're very cute. I'm sure people will take them quick
Good luck!
Love your Santas ~ they are really cute! Good luck at your show! I hope you sell out!
They are sooo cute!
how come I'm not coming up for the craft show this year?? I had so much fun the year that PJ and I went with you. love the santas. eat some barbeque for me! love love
Holy cats!! 39 years at the same show??? Wow!! That's amazing! Bestest of luck to you! (And loving the guy on the right!) ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
I'm sure those cute Santa's will be a hit at the craft show. I hope you have a great time and do well too. I've not been to a craft show in quite awhile it seems there are not as many here as in the past. I'll have to be on the lookout. Hope your Wednesday is a wonderful one!
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