Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Storybook Quilt

This is the Storybook quilt at the show.  Each quilter took a page from the story book and designed a part of the quilt. 

These ladies told us about the storybook quilt and about their own quilt show October 27.  If you are in my area, it will be at Hartford Memorial Baptist Church, 18700 James Couzens Hwy. Detroit.  Contact numbers are Ms. Gwen Carmichael 313-836-7994 and Ms. Frankie Moore 313-863-8003. Pastor Rev. Dr. Charles G. Adams.

Another display we liked were the beaded and quilted wall hangings.  Since we are really in to flowers these days I chose the pink one as my favorite beaded.  If you are a quilter, check Facebook under Festival of Quilts for so many more pictures.

As for us here at the plot I am planning  for  Blessed Hope tomorrow.  Borrowed PJ's Nesco for it. Kynda and all the family are going home after the service . I have never seen the military honors but I know it was very special for them.

All is well, so have a happy Tuesday everyone.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Lots and lots of stitches and love went in to those quilts. Glad all is well there in the plot. Have a terrific Tuesday!

Raymond Homestead said...

How pretty, I've never seen beaded quilts before.

Kynda said...

The military honors were very moving. 101st Airborn Fort Campbell played taps and presented the flag and rifle volley by American Legion. I didn't get pictures of any of it, but we so appreciated it. Warren would have loved it.

Kynda said...

My vase of flowers is still beautiful!

Susie said...

Peggy, I truly admire all you quilters. It is a real talent. Beautiful sewing too. Smiles to all, Susie