Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The children are from the family. They are watching the apple butter making.
Everybody works, this is the owner.
The store, with old tools displayed.
Apples waiting....


Laura Lynn said...

Love it, It looks so fun!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Thanks for sharing your trip with us. I've not visited an orchard like that for awhile. There are several in our area and I used to go but now with just me I pick up what I need at the grocery store. My oldest son does make apple butter at his house using my mothers recipe. He said that the orchard where they go for the apples told them that the apples at the grocery are from last years harvest so if I want fresh ones I should really buy them at the local orchard. That was something I never knew before. I hope your Wednesday is a Wonderful one!

Sarraceniaceae (Daraness) said...

How wonderful the fall is becoming! Love them pics xx