The Annie design is by Olde Country Cupboard. I don't have the face right so I will try another one soon. I liked the little pillow.

A Sweet Meadows design bear. I added some clothes.
This morning there were some tragic accidents due to ice. Everyone drive carefully, in all kinds of weather.
Love the annie...too cute.
they are both super cute!
These are precious! If you messed her face up, then you should have sent her with me! Why didn't you show me these yesterday? Afraid they might go missing?
Very cute!her face looks just find to me!have a great weekend.blessings michelle
and she's pigeon-toed, like me.
First we had the ice, now the flooding and tomorrow the snow will be back. You are right in saying be careful out there. We never know from one day til the next what the weather will be. Hope your Saturday is off to a great start!
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