Monday, May 18, 2009

Frosty Morning

Wouldn't you know! When I walked out to the garden with my coffee, there was frost on the tomatoes. This one I planted for my neighbor on the fenceline, it's a Smarty and I hope it does well so she can take tomatoes to her church friends. I ordered the seed from Johnny's, $6.75 for 20 seeds, it may be called that because it was smart enough to get me to part with that much of my seed money. Happy Monday, warming up.


Eggs In My Pocket said...

How sweet to put a sign up for her tomato plant! What a good neighbor you are! I hope it grows and produces well. Blessings,Kathleen

Charlie said...

I can't wait for summer. We'll be picking all sorts of stuff.

P.S. New post on my blog