Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Emma's poke salad and Altie's stewed tomatoes

I had a few tomatoes left over from the salsa so thought I would try my grandmothers stewed tomatoes. Not as good as hers of course....she would open up a jar of canned tomatoes, add some butter and sugar and a slice or two of white bread and cook a few minutes. Mae Utley always made these for me when we had a potluck at the Melvindale church. She was from Kentucky too.....

Later that day one of my neighbors came over and I asked him if he ever had "stewed" tomatoes. He said yes, at a little place in Covington, Kentucky that had the best food he ever tasted.This is the poke salad fruit but if you see any, don't eat it. I think it is poison to us at this stage. But the birds love it.
When my mother, Emma, came to live in Michigan, she complained that there was no poke salad for spring cooking. We transplanted some for her and now it is all over this neighborhood. I always think of her and leave a plant grow for the birds. You can only eat it when it first comes up in the spring. And of course you cook it with bacon grease.

Happy Wednesday everyone, I will have some dolls tomorrow.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

My mom loved creamed stewed tomatoes over biscuits. I've heard of poke but never really knew what it was until I saw your pictures. It grows all over here in Ohio too. I've seen it but didn't know what it was.

Laura Lynn said...

I have never heard of Poke but cooking in bacon

Kynda said...

I love your stories on the blog. I didn't know grandma missed poke. It's pretty in bouquets with zinnias so I let one or two grow in the garden every summer. love love

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Oh my! It has been a long time since I have had poke salad. Not many people know of it. Enjoyed reading! blessings,Kathleen

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

The only poke I ever heard of is Poke Salad Annie by Eric Clapton. Those grow all over around Iowa. I'm not sure what it is called. We sure don't eat it.
Now stewed tomatoes are awesome. Mom always made them for us, as well as homemade tomato soup and tomatoes with rice. We ate a lot of garden vegetables as kids, back in the 50s. We still do today!