Monday, August 2, 2010

Dog and Porch Sitting

It was a weekend just for the girls.......
we watched these yellow butterflies, they were everywhere......
we found some cleomes hiding here.......
and just sat on the porch and looked at their hosta garden..... and no, Dave, Elvis couldn't make it.

I hope all of you had a weekend so nice. Happy late evening Monday.


Connie said...

You really captured the yellow butterfly! Looks so relaxing. Thanks for letting us join you!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I too love that butterfly picture. It caught my eye right away because I've been trying to capture a picture of one on our butterfly bush for days and my camera will not zoom in close enough to do it. Looks like you did enjoy a great weekend. Try to keep cool. We are heating up again here too.

OneBigHappy said...

I agree, the butterfly shot is beautiful! Nice catch.

Teri said...

Hi Peggy,
What a perfect way to spend a weekend! Love the flowers and your golden. Thanks for sharing!

P.J. said...

Yes, mom, love your pictures and "your" golden. Joy is a little bit jealous that she didn't make the cut...guess you'll have to visit again. I love the butterfly picture. And the rest of them. You rock. Even without Elvis.