Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Consider the work of her hand......

These are some pictures from PJ's estate sale finds. From someone who loved to do needlework. We will certainly treasure the work of her hand.
Embroidery, crochet and tatting (at the center, the hanky with the lavender trim). Look at the pineapple pattern crochet pieces, ready to trim a pillowcase. And this is only a small sample.
And even the tins are keepers! I would have loved to know what else she made as there were also yards and yards of fabric.

Have a nice day everyone, see you tomorrow.


Helen said...

That is beautiful work. It's a shame that family members didn't want if if there were family members. Helen

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I've been to many estate sales and always grab up what I can afford. I've treasures packed away for when I get time to do something with them. I know if my children had to rid out my stuff none of them would find it to be treasures...they don't value things like that. I found a pattern once to make a table runner with old handkerchiefs. I've lots of them just waiting. Hope your Wednesday is a wonderful one.

Teri said...

Hi Peggy, Just love those vintage finds!